Where's Everyone Making Millions on Bounce House Rentals?

I'm already 150 MGs of caffeine deep today so let's knock this out real fast.
Here's how I'd do it in DFW:
Bounce house rentals is an awesome biz.
✔️ Low overhead
✔️ Built in referral marketing
✔️ High margins
✔️ Scale fast with low capital risk
✔️ Plenty of cheap labor
✔️ Side hustle that can scale
Start by using
- @carrd to whip up a $9 site with these plugins
1. Scheduling
2. Stripe
What's your biz name? Keep in simple. Start with your city's name.
Allen, TX is a quintessential American suburb.
✔️Middle class
✔️100k people
So we'll use this for our example.
Allen Bounce House Rentals. Super original right? Heh.
Hyper local & good for SEO.
Go to eBay and find x3 diff bounce houses in the $500-$1,500 range
1 boy themed
1 girl themed
1 neutral
Find some from reputable sellers w/ plenty of inventory
Look for the best sellers. Best sellers = easier to rent!
You can filter for all this stuff
Don't buy any just yet!

Hawk screenshots of these 3 bounce houses and put them on your Carrd site.
Price them as such:
$300 for 4 hours
$400 for 8 hours
Free delivery & pickup.
Yes, stupidly cheap. We'll change this later.
Who wouldn't pay $300 to entertain 30 kids for 4 hours?
You don't want huge fancy bounce houses where you need an attendant to stay and babysit.
You can't afford that and you're dropping these things off.
Keep them simple at first.
Go to Youtube & find the SMB bounce house rabbit hole. Spend hours learning the tricks of the trade and the lingo.
Learn what pitfalls to watch out for because guess what?
I've never started a bounce house biz. Who cares though?
Neither have you & you'll crush it.
Now, before you collect a dime, go get some insurance.
Where to get insurance? IDK, Google "bounce house rental insurance."
Get yourself covered.
Then use ChatCPT to make a liability waiver and upload it to Docusign.
Be sure the contract is super strict.
- No more than X kids at a time.
- You must be watching them at all times.
- You aren't liable for anyting, etc
BTW I'm not a lawyer. This is freaking Twitter and I'm oversimplifying. Prob get a lawyer to look over the contract.
Back to your website.
Leave wide open availability on your calendar, starting 3 weeks out. 3 rental slots deep per timeframe
You WANT to oversell your spaces. That gives you a valid reason to buy more than 1 of each bounce house.
You'll pay for each house on 2-4 rentals
Also, you want to charge $50 for someone to book the time slot.
Get their email in Mailchimp with an automated link to pay the remainder a week before the reservation date.
Charging only $50 to book reduces friction of charging 100% upfront while removing most cancellation risk.
Give yourself a 2 hour window to dropoff and pickup.
Don't have a truck? Pay U-Haul $200 to add a hitch to your car and buy a $1k trailer on Craigslist.
Not rocket science.
Now, time to get some customers. This is the fun part.
Remember, stories sell better than products.
Join every local FB group you can find and sell your personal story.
Maybe you're still in HS or college earning money for school.
Maybe you're saving for your kids college
If you don't have a cool story then invent one.
Find the MOMS groups on FB. Remember, moms are your customers, not dads or kids.
There are a ton of local moms FB groups.
Give them a discount.
Reach out to the admin and offer a referral code.
Tell them you're young and hungry.
Also post ads in FB marketplace. Everywhere
Craigslist? Same same. Post ads everywhere. Your phone will ring. Get those first few jobs.
When you do? Start buying the bounce houses.
Good thing you found ones from reputable sellers with plenty of stock.
Once they arrive set them up in your backyard.
Check for leaks.
And learn their quirks. Learn how to collapse them quickly.
Buy a heavy duty dolly to move them to and from your trailer.
Now for the built-in referral marketing.
Go online and buy some huge freaking vinyl signs to attach to the TOP of every bounce house you buy.
They will pop up over the privacy fences for all passersby to see.
But you're not done.
Go buy a bunch of $25 Amazon physical gift cards.
When you go to pick up the bounce houses offer a gift card right there on the spot if the mom posts a pic, a testimonial and a link to your site to her FB/IG page.
Have her show it to you and tag your biz FB page.
Be goofy about it, not pressuring.
This $25 will pay off 100x!
Calls slowing down? Get bandit signs! I talk all about them in my thread here. Now your phone won't stop ringing.
Why localized to only 1 city? Because driving
Also, it's much easier to sell to those residents
Now prove the model & either
Change your name
Copy/paste your Carrd site and make "PLANOBOUNCEHOUSERENTALS . com & grow
BTW you can literally copy/paste a Carrd site with 1 click
These jobs mostly won't be during school hours.
So hire high schoolers for $15/hour.
This is scalable. And if you don't wanna scale? Then make $100k every summer.
As you grow you can buy bigger and better bounce houses.
There are 37k households in Allen.
You're telling me 1-2% of them won't rent a bounce house from you per year?
You've got a 6 figure biz.
Also, McKinney, Plano and Frisco want your biz too, because moms have friends! And they're posting to FB, remember?
Anyway, good luck with this. It won't be easy, but it'll be fun. And you will make some cash.
The best part? Once you do this you can apply these same principles to any other biz.
The first few customers are the hardest. After that your referral marketing will kick in.
You can find me over at MHPguy.com. I think real estate, small biz and marketing are pretty dang cool. Thanks for the RT and follow @mhp_guy.
Back to work now.
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