There's a Billion Dollar Business Hidden in the Teacher's Lounge

Break room businesses scale FAST by using the 3 best networkers this big blue planet has ever known:
1. Teachers
2. Realtors
3. Stylists
Here's all the ways you can profit from these 3 chatty Cathys:
(BTW, this is tried and proven, just ask the $300M Chicken Salad Chick founder. She wouldn't be in business without it. More on her below)
Teachers, realtors and stylists are insanely well connected in their communities, and they talk. Boy, do they talk.
Not only do they talk, but they talk to high value clients:
Other realtors & brokers
People that can afford stylists
How can you use them?
Give them free food with marketing materials!
That's it. It only works for certain types of businesses though.
And what's more powerful than a personal referral or word of mouth marketing?
Maybe John Cena, but other than him, NOTHING.
When Stacy Brown first launched Chicken Salad Chick, she was a broke as a joke single mom, down on her luck.
She only had 1 thing: A freaking amazing Chicken Salad recipe. It was so amazing that she sold it door to door to pay the bills, but she wanted a restaurant.
She opened a tiny little restaurant in Auburn, AL (ew) and used those 3 groups of people to spread the word.
What happened? She blew up. Absolutely she blew up. It was a runaway success, and their sales last year were over $300m across hundreds of restaurants.
She simply gave away her food to teachers, realtors and stylists and they talked and talked and talked.
She said herself that this one marketing channel was the secret to her early success.
But this works for more than just restaurants, you know.
Here's a list:
1. Home Services
HVAC, tree trimming, plumbing, fencing, etc etc etc. These 3 cohorts know homeowners, and homeowners are always looking for good home service providers.
For teachers and stylists it would work best for more impulsive home services like epoxy flooring or painting. If it were tree trimming or HVAC you'd need to catch them at the right time.
In our tree trimming biz, realtors are our biggest lead source. Not biggest referral source, biggest lead source.
Realtors work great for bigger items like roofing and HVAC because they need that crap to be done yesterday so they can close.
2. Real Estate
If I were a real estate agent or flipper, I'd spend the whole of my marketing budget on Chick Fil A and Panera.
When your average ticket size is $10k - $200k+, you can afford it. Stay top of mind with these three cohorts and they will bring you off market listings and fix n flips.
And yes, if you're a realtor, you want to be buying lunch for other realtors as well.
3. Retail
If I opened a restaurant, gym, boutique, insurance office, or literally anything in retail, this would be my #1 marketing channel. Why? Because your customers are LOCAL.
The network effects of these three groups of people spreading your gospel is far more valuable (and cheaper) than impersonal FB ads.
4. Pet products and services
Doggy daycares, vets, pet stores, dog walkers, groomers, pet products, pet apps, etc, could all benefit from this.
There are more dogs in the US than kids. Sell something to their owners.
5. Bounce house rentals
Yeah, this is pretty niche, but I just love this biz for some reason. You'll be booked for months if you bought lunch for these groups of people. Tell me you wouldn't? Honestly bro, tell me you wouldn't?
Buy a $700 bounce house + $70 worth of lunch, and you'll have your money back in 1 week. Then do that x17.
BTW, the term break room businesses is an invention of yours truly, so please Venmo me $3 every time you use it. JKJK
Thanks for reading. Now go start a dang business already.
@mhp_guy signing out.
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