The Economics of a Small Town Pickleball Club

I just played here & did some digging.
City: Logan, UT - Pop: 54,436
Club: 24k sqft & 9 courts (Old Bed Bath & Beyond)
Cost: $99 - $225/month
# of members: 2,000
Rent per square foot: $17/year = $34,000/month
Annual profit: This is where it gets tricky.
I had to guesstimate # of members. I asked the person working there and she was ho hum. Apparently she doesn't want some rando encouraging would be competitors on Twitter? Rude.
I asked if she had a thousand?
"Oh, way more."
So I guessed at 2,000.
The population in the whole valley is 133,000 so less than 2% of them being members isn't unreasonable.
My cousin is a member and said it's ALWAYS PACKED. It sure was today at noon.
It's open 108 hours per week and every court there had doubles playing. 100% capacity and 100% doubles * 9 courts * twice per week per person = 2,500 members.
But it surely isn't at 100% capacity.
80% capacity would be about 2,000 members. Plus ancillary revenue from events, equipment sales, etc.
If the average membership is $150/month then that's $300k/month in top line.
That seems high, so let's say $200k/month. That's just a $2.4m/year business. Not crazy for a space so big.
Maybe 1,500 members is more accurate.
Rent + CAM charges + utilities are prob $45k/month all in.
There were only 3 people working, while packed.
If that is the case all day every day then monthly wages are likely $40-50k/month as well. Being conservative here.
I bet this location nets about $1.2m/year, and growing. Great margins. Very bare bones building. Almost no build out whatsoever.
Not bad money for a small town like Logan. (home to Crumbl's first location, and my birthplace)
It was pretty janky, too. Mom and pop vibe. It still looked like a bed bath and beyond (old slat shelving still there).
I expected more from a reputable nationwide franchise.
If I were going to do this I wouldn't buy into a franchise. What's the point? People come here to play indoors, not for the brand. It isn't rocket science.
I'd find a city of 100k+ that doesn't have a club and open my own brand.
Marketing is kinda built-in as people need partners to play with. Free referrals!
What do you think about my assumptions? Way off?
Pickleball is here to stay.
Follow me @mhp_guy if you nerd out about small biz like I do.

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