Parkinson's Law Has Changed My Life and It Can Be Applied EVERYWHERE
Parkinson's Law has changed my life, and it can be applied EVERYWHERE. From solo kidneys to under-hiring.
Here are some unique way it affects our world, and how you can profit:
What is Parkinson's Law? I LOVE this graphic below. My life motto is "There's always time."
Give yourself an hour to get a task done & it'll take an hour. Give yourself a month & it'll take a month.
Note: We all procrastinate. It's not just you. And that's okay.
Why is procrastinating okay? Because it trains yourself to work harder. It's pressure, & pressure it good.
Want to get something done? Give it to a busy person. THAT'S Parkinson's Law.
Do you think an EMT gets stressed by a flat tire? No way. Their stress capacity is much higher
1 year ago I donated my kidney. I just got my 1 year lab work done & guess what?
I'm healthier than ever! My solo kidney gets the job done of 2 now.
When you donate a chunk of your liver the same thing happens. Parkinson's Law.
"I want to start a side hustle but I don't think I have the time."
Yes you do. If your side hustle works you'll find the time. If it doesn't you won't.
And THAT is your answer. But you can't get the answer until you launch. Until you ACT.
"Do I triple down on my current biz or chase another one?"
The fact that you're even asking that means you need to find out. Chase that rabbit to find the answer.
Shiny object syndrome is a feature, not a bug. You wouldn't have the thought if your current biz were crushing it.
What's the difference between spotting new opportunities within your current biz vs a new biz?
ALL THAT MATTERS IS THAT YOU KEEP MOVING. That you stay in the game. Compounding doesn't care either way.
Compounding rewards endurance, not focus.
The greatest curse to any organization is having too much. Too much funding. Too much talent.
Constraint is a blessing. It forces creativity.
We almost spent $500k on hardware for a new biz. Then we got a creative idea to rent the same hardware from a competitor. $500k saved.
I hate to break it to you, but your company has way too many people.
Overpay the rockstars and cut the underperformers and you'll still probably have too many people.
Complacency and constraint are enemies.
All it takes is 1 idea. If you don't yet have a solution via constraint then you haven't thought deeply enough about it yet.
Turn off the podcast, mute the notifications and go for a walk. Ask your friends. The better, more creative solution to your problems are out there.
I've added way too much to my plate for years now. What happens? I only eat lobster & filets. Parkinson's Law.
Everything else falls off the plate, which means it was supposed to
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