How to Build a Huge Biz on a Premium Domain Name

Biz owners drop $20k on a premium lease but won't spend $5k on a premium domain name.
Did you know that Vegas . com sold for $240,000,000?
The domain itself is worth 1% of that, but it's MUCH easier to build a huge biz on a premium domain name.
Here's why & how you can:
Ever hear the phrase "exact match domain?" An EMD is a domain that exactly matches a common google search term, such as:
nashville restaurants
pool cleaning
running shoes
When you buy an EMD you get free traffic on day 1. Maybe that free traffic is 1 hit per day, maybe 1,000.
It can take time to build up, but it's worth the wait.
It causes mister SEO to say "Hmm...I think like this guy..."
Premium domains immediately convey:
There are thousands of premium expiring domains happening every day, and 95% of them just sit in someone's account, waiting for a biz to be built on top of them.
Why do you think @searchbound bought onions . com?
Because he freaking sells onions on the internet! And dude ranches, too. He just *gets* what 99% of others don't.
What's in a name? A ton, turns out!
Imagine Zillow didn't exist.
You go online to shop for a home. So you search "homes for sale Dallas, TX."
You see 2 results:
homes . com
zillow .com
You've never heard of either. Which do you click?
That's it.
Google's #1 goal is for the video watcher or google searcher to find exactly what they want to find after they click.
Google HATES the bait and switch. They want RELEVANCE. Don't fight a 13 figure company.
A domain name can either help or hurt you in that endeavor.
There are countless survivorship bias examples where dumb domain names are successful businesses.
But why work harder to build a brand than you have to?
Start with a $10 domain to find product market fit and then upgrade to an EMD or premium name.
Here's where you can find expiring premium domains at auction:
My good friend places sales reps and just bought salesreps . com for $5k. You think he'll make that money back? He did on his first sale!
Don't wanna build a biz on it? Just buy it and sit on it. .coms are a pure finite resource. No other TLD will ever be as valuable.
The options are endless...
That's why we paid $65k for cofounders . com.
I want my realtor to drive a Benz, not a Pinto.
Would love a follow @mhp_guy if you learned something.
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