Dear ADHDiary - Today Was Full!

5:01 alarm, then shower. My toothpaste is gone. I check all the bathrooms. It’s GONE. Like, gone girl gone. I think the cleaner took it, for real.
Off to DFW airport for my flight to MSY.
I’m hungry at the airport. I get a biscuit sammy from chick Fil a and bang out some emails then board the flight.
I land and go to the Alamo rental counter. My license expired last week. Whoops. They don’t want me to drive. That’s a problem.
What to do? I have an important meeting in an hour, and it’s an hour away. Everything is figureoutable, I repeat in my head.
I open up my MacBook, hit the right keys, make one call and show a pdf to the lady at the counter. I get the keys to the car.
(Don’t ask.)
I drive to an RV park and meet Jeff. Jeff is taller than me. That doesn’t happen often. Jeff’s a good guy.
We walk the park. We pop our head in the laundromat and chat with two ladies for an hour.
They spill all the goods on the park. We like what we hear.
I take a call from an employee. The plumbing leak is worse than expected. Cold water everywhere. We turn off the water at the main and promise to revisit on Monday.
My wife emails. Her surgery is scheduled. She’s donating a kidney to a stranger on Feb 9th. Of course she is. Never a dull moment in the Koerner household. That’s a fact.
We walk to the gazebo and then a manager threatens to kick us out. We diffuse by talking about steaks and mowing lawns. He laughs. He leaves. We exhale in unison. It’s a good park. We like the park. It’s 55 degrees and sunny. I like Louisiana in this moment.
I’m off to the airport. More Chick Fil a. Salad this time. Yep, twice in a day. You judge, but my resting heart rate is in the 40s. I’ll be fine. Will I be fine? I hope I’m fine.
I drop off the car and get to MSY with three hours to spare.
I talk to one of my CEOs about some personnel issues. He likes the advice. We talk strategy for 20 mins. I tell him my brain is fried. I’ve stopped being helpful. He lets me go and agrees.
I buy some $4 M&Ms and $5 water and bang out my newsletter. 2,079 words this time about business partnerships. Really hard to keep it under 2k these days.
I write a tweet or 7 and then doomscroll until the guilt wins me over. I close the laptop, my tweet vehicle of choice.
I hop on my flight. Window seat. The dude next to me is vaping every 3 mins. Is this legal? It stinks. He stinks. This stinks. I thought he’d stop when we took off. He didn’t stop. I don’t like confrontation so I just type this tweet instead.
I’m all caught up now. I have a headache, which is standard practice around 7pm nowadays. Maybe too much caffeine? Maybe not enough. Yes. It’s 6:55.
I like to track my blue dot on Google maps as I fly. I look down on Center, TX below. I don’t want to live there. I’m sure the people are nice. Why is Center on the eastern border?
The family is having movie night without me right now. Skittles in the popcorn I’m sure, per tradition. Jess and I will finish Saltburn when I get home after bedtime. It’s kinda slow.
5 companies. 4 initiatives. 3 degrees from burnout. 2 flights. 1 day. 0 regrets.
Good night.

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